About Us
Infogate is a vocational training institute registered under the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission of Sri Lanka. As our main priority we focus on information technology and how it could change lives. We offer National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) accredited courses, standardized by the Government of Sri Lanka and monitored regularly for quality assurance.
Infogate was established in 2011 with a handful of rural student but have reached over 1,500 students and many of them are already showing their talents in the job market.
We are located Kantale in Eastern Province of Sri Lanka, an area, which was a victim of brutal war for more than three decades. Our Institute educates all without any language, religious, or ethnic barriers as assured in the country’s Constitution.. Our aim is to identify and train young people for co-existence, talent development, personality, and create professionals who fit the global market.